
Five reasons why you should attend our WEEXPOINDIA's Virtual 2020

This year, WEEXPOINDIA 2020 is going virtual and we are happy to tell you that we have changed for the better. By following the guidelines of social distancing even as the pandemic gets more brutal, we hope to educate our fellow organizers, exhibitors, students, and all others taking part in the show about the importance of being home, staying safe. The fact that we are going virtual this year doesn't negate the benefits of taking part in any education show, especially the biggest one to take place in the country.

Grab your scholarships – Big Bang Scholarship

WEEXPOINDIA 2020 opens doors to the New World of Opportunity, by awarding scholarships worth Rs 10 crore during the course of the three-day event to be held in December. Get advice on the right scholarships that you can apply for to courses that you hope to sign up for. With the help of WEEXPOINDIA 2020, you can get a chance to witness 300+ institutions offering scholarships under one roof. Also, some of the exhibitors will announce on the spot scholarship for eligible students during the three-day event.

ALL-IN-ONE Knowledge Sharing Platform – The Knowledge Setu app

Knowledge Community is the key to WEEXPOINDIA's growth as we work towards the growth of the society. Our mobile application called Knowledge Setu (K-Setu) is cantered on a community that is built to grow on a collaborative knowledge sharing culture. Exhibitors and Educators can showcase their service offerings to leave a lasting brand experience, create brand recognition, and scale up to become a proprietary eponym creating brand awareness amongst students, parents and Educators. There is something for everyone on this app!

Use WEEXPOINDIA's Knowledge Setu app to get in touch with exhibitors and even advisors who can help you make some important decisions about higher education that would support your ambitions and goals. There are many ways one can reach their dream destination in their choice of career. The app is not just useful during the education expo but before and after the three-day event as well, giving especially students a chance to stay on top of things constantly.

Wide participation by peers

Be it exhibitors, or students; one of the highlights of taking part in our education show is to be able to interact with your peers and find out different perspectives about what is current in the field of education. For students, this is a great opportunity to learn about many different streams and opportunities that are available across the world. Be it interest in science, arts, humanities, or commerce, there is something for everyone, and our aim to help you find your perfect fit. For exhibitors, on the other hand, WEEXPOINDIA gives you the opportunity to find out how you weigh in comparison to other peers with the help of student feedback among other facilities.

Educational seminars

Seminars will be conducted by industry experts on various topics that would prove useful in many ways for students and working professionals. We believe that there is no full stop in education, only comma. One needs to continue learning, to update oneself with skills that are current to stay relevant in your chosen career. With our virtual seminars, you can learn all about staying up to date with requirements in the industry among other things. The seminars will cover a wide range of topics and you can choose to be a part of ones that is related to the field of your interest. Seminars also help attendees understand what is expected of them in reality as they would hear about the industry of their choice from experts.

Application prep consultations

One of the things that an education expo will help students with is the fact that you can get detailed information about 300+ Institutions. Students can clear some of the common doubts regarding applications pertain to Student Statements, how to effectively write one, and the kind of extracurriculars one would need to stand out in the sea of applications that universities would receive. This preparation consultation will help you figure out other hiccups that you might face while completing your applications.